The capabilities of an organisation can be taken to the next level of successful operation by implementing a Project Management ERP system. It will help the company management to optimize the work, ensure proper workflow, and enhance production targets and efficiency of the labour force. The implementation process will be however a strenuous task for a few if not appropriate measures are adopted to overcome it. Let us have a close look at what are the major challenges in this area and the effective ways to address them without much headache.
Resistance to change
In any organisation, the first hazard being faced by the potential entrepreneurs is the strong resistance to change and the reluctance to shift from the traditional mode of operations. Whatever the opportunities, there may be a few who never want to get themselves updated with the changing face of time. The reason for the resistance can be attributed to a lack of proper knowledge about the possibilities, the process of implementation, and the details of resources to be prepared for the operation.
Tools to tackle
For a willing entrepreneur, tools are aplenty to get well-informed and get on the track for an easy implementation. Complete the implementation of a Project Management ERP in UAE in a phased manner. Special focus on measures like effective communication, involvement of employees, training etc can tackle the situation. Similarly, there should be a system for clearing doubts, effective trials, and discussion of challenges. Furthermore, support from the experts plays an important role here. Let us look at the ways to face these procedures and the method to get the grounds set for the process.
Effective Communication
For any successful project implementation, proper communication in a convincing manner is the basic requirement. The team members may not be convinced of the plans to be implemented at the initial stages of discussions. The hearsay communications will hardly work in an established company where the employees may be puzzled over the trustworthiness of the circulated facts. Here, the management can come up with proper communication to all on the measures under consideration, plans for the future, expectations from the employees, tasks to be undertaken by them and the cooperation expected from them.
Employee involvement
The success of any project implementation mainly depends upon the cooperation and support of employees. So, making them accountable and responsible for each phase of implementation will double the possibility of success. To draw their attention, the management will have to adopt a strategic approach by first explaining to them the expected changes. Secondly, the management can explain in detail the role of each employee in the process. Also, people can be individually assigned for the completion of particular targets.
Training and Support
Training and support are the key factors for the successful execution of any ERP solution. A professional team can completely equip their clients to overcome this area with precision and perfection. Training can be completed in such a way as to equip all prospective clients to handle the issues independently. The support team can be in touch with the clients to settle issues, which they cannot handle themselves. Any update in the field of technical details can also be communicated with the clients at the time of support service or advanced training.
High implementation cost
A proper analysis of the budget is important while planning the ERP implementation. An effective cost analysis, by comparing the expense with expected revenue, will avoid unexpected losses. For many firms, a high implementation cost is a challenge. The support of financial experts can be sought in case the management is confused. Costs related to software, hardware, training and consulting services may be a barrier to small or medium-sized enterprises. This barrier can be overcome only with proper financial backup and budget planning or resources to find the cost in a less troublesome way.
Cloud-based solutions and migration
Cloud-based solutions can be less expensive for people who look for budget-friendly options. A phased implementation without covering everything in the initial stage can be rewarding. For a few, data migration will be a crucial challenge as there will not be any cakewalk to avoid the same. The proper auditing of the existing data is necessary before migration. Testing and integration issues will also have to be tackled effectively.
Customisation challenge
Like the integration planning and migration, customisation is also important. Leverage Application Programming Interfaces and Connectors to facilitate smooth integration need special attention. Above all, vendor support is prime for a trouble-free completion of the process. Avoiding expensive customisation is also crucial.
Maintenance of system security
Security cannot be compromised in any state as all efforts will have to be made to ensure it. Security breaches can have unpredictable impact on the organisation’s future and the expected outcome. If not properly taken care of, the resolving of issues may consume the firm’s quality time and resources. Even the addressing of security concerns may not be satisfactory for all in the end. Regular safety audit is a must to prevent it.
Why Choose Prominder?
Thorough planning in all phases by taking the employees into confidence with proper communication and training will simply avoid all the unexpected burdens in the phase of implementing project management ERP. The micro-level planning about the budget provisions and sensible customisation practices will equally benefit the prospective entrepreneurs in the field. These challenges are highlighted in advance as the entrepreneurs should not face any loss or remain unconvinced about the actual benefit of the project. Better planning and preparations will make it a smooth experience for all. The history of all successful companies endorses the fact that their homework ahead of implementation has gifted them the desired success throughout the years.